
Showing posts from 2019

5 things everyone needs to know about energy healing - Chakra

5 things everyone needs to know about energy healing - Chakra The Human Bod y is a Complete Energy System with Harmony. Any imbalance in the body creates an obstruction in the flow of energy, which causes the disease. Energy therapies try to make sure that the energies circulating in the body do not move. 1. Cultures have studied the body's energy centers for thousands of years Reiki is a Japanese energy healing tradition that dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The chakras, which are the seven centers of energy transmission of the body, are explained in detail in the ancient Hindu texts. Meridians, the body's energy highways, are the road maps on which Chinese practitioners have founded acupuncture. 2. Energy healing is based on scientific principles Everything is composed of molecules. Even something as solid as a table vibrates all the time and, as humans, we vibrate too. When we say that something has good vibrations, it's r
11 Tricks to seduce a man quickly! 11 Tricks to seduce a man quickly! To seduce a man, you first have to seduce yourself.also to make a man in love is not an easy task. Because like women, men have a relationship with the self-esteem of each one of them. In love at first sight, shy lover, terrified lover of the idea of involvement, unfaithful lover ... There are as many lovers as lovers, hence the difficulty of seducing a man 1-Have confidence in yourself Self-confidence is the key word in seduction. If you do not trust yourself you will not be attractive. Learn to love yourself as you are, learn to see the seductress in you to attract men you like. 2-Do not be too sure of yourself Having confidence in yourself is important, but you must be reasonable and not be considered a pretentious woman. You must trust your qualities but do not brag about them. Stay modest so as not to scare off the men. 3-Benefits of Connecting with the Present Momen

7 Secrets Genuinely Happy People Never Told You

 7 Secrets   People You For many people, the ultimate goal of life is to find happiness and to be happy. But even though the latter is to be worn, few people can do it, and there is often a tendency to associate happiness with the acquisition of material goods. 1. Have gratitude for what you have ,  Often, we tend to underestimate what we already have, what we have accomplished or who we have become. But there is no happiness without gratitude. If you really want to be happy and lead a more fulfilling life, you must make gratitude a fellow traveler, you must make gratitude a habit. Gratitude also  opens the door to more relationships and  improves physical health beside enhances empathy and reduces aggression. furthermore gratitude increases mental strength . “Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” – Amy Collette 2. Enjoy the exterior , Nature has a soothing effect on people. Getting in t

Top 27 Tips To Change Your Life

Top 27 Tips To Change Your Life How to change your life ? How to live the life of our dreams? I think we deserve the best. But how to make it come to us? Here are 26 tips to change your life for better 1 . Be sure you really want to make this change, that it's good for you that you want to do it and not for someone else. Changing for others never brings happiness. 2. Find and maintain the motivation to change . It's really important. Keep it nearby constantly by making a picture of visions, or by pasting pictures of things you want wherever you go, so stay focused each day. 3. See how you managed to change as you wanted . How do you feel ? Imagine you succeed whatever you want, act as if. 4. Write down your goals , and read them twice a day. 5. Plan, plan, plan. How did you plan to achieve your goals? What actions can you take to reach it? 6. Change your life starting with 1 to 2 changes at a time. For example, if you want to st

9 Things the Most Toxic People in Your Life Have in Common

9 Things the Most Toxic People in Your Life Have in Common 9 Things the Most Toxic People in Your Life Have in Common We have all had toxic people and the difficults  of knowing toxic people came because they look like everyone else, talk like everyone else, and can even be disguised as your best friend, family member, or partner. "Toxic people are master manipulators, skilled liars, and great actors," Thomas says. "They can be hiding everywhere . They are judgmental.  Keep your eyes and ears open for criticismabout you, what you've done, and what you didn’t do. It’s never about them, and they will lie if it serves them. They are easily jealous The manipulator is so jealous that they try to control the target in an unhealthy way. This one is tricky because not all boundaries are valid. Toxic people use 'boundaries' as a means of control, and then play the victim role when their 'boundaries' are crossed or not respected"- Selfish

11 Smart Ways to Accelerate Your Career Growth

11 Smart Ways to Accelerate Your Career Growth 11 Smart Ways to Accelerate Your Career Growth Career development  is the lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future and  people whose careers seem to grow the fastest follow similar patterns of behavior: they understand competition exists, they recognize the steps they need to succeed, and they understand who is responsible. They take charge of their career and accept full responsibility for their growth. Set goals and create a plan to achieve them. Goals big and small can be the stepping-stones to a happier life and the way we set them can make a difference to achieving them.  People who are the most successful and satisfied in their careers have proactively determined what they want from work. Manage Your Time. Leaders and team members who think and act like owners are fully accountable for commitments, responsibil

Top 7 Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Top 7 Benefits of Sleeping Naked Sleeping is one of the most important things we do every night so removing your clothes improves blood circulation, which is good for your heart and muscles. The quality sleep you'll enjoy also increases the release of growth hormone and melatonin, both of which have anti-aging benefits Top 7 Benefits of Sleeping Naked 1- fall a sleep faster  reducing our body temperature by as little as one degree Celsius can help us fall asleep quicker and When your temperature is increasing you’ll feel more alert and awake, but when the temperature drops you feel more drowsy 2- It makes you feel sexier This isn't something scientists have studied as far as we know. But anecdotally speaking, many women say that sleeping in the nude makes them feel more sensual and in touch with their body. Cuddling with your partner skin-on-skin with nothing between you can reinforce your connection. Plus, it's just that much easier to have a sexual en
5 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking Ginger Water Ginger water can be easily made at home and is a convenient way of consuming ginger for its potential health benefits. People have used ginger for thousands of years, as both a flavoring in foods and a natural remedy, to treat a variety of conditions, such as pain and nausea. Good for digestion Drinking a glass of ginger water every day can help strengthen your digestive system and prevent indigestion, nausea, and heartburn.  A teaspoon of mint juice, lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey mixed with ginger water can relieve morning sickness during pregnancy.  Keeps diabetes away Drinking ginger-lemon water is known to reduce the risk of kidney damage and even lowers the effects of diabetes. The pungent root is a rich source of zinc that plays a big role in the secretion of insulin. Ginger water is really effective in case of infections Ginger water is infused with the bioactive substance in fresh ginger called Gi

8 Tactics for Dealing With Toxic People In Your Life

8 Tactics for Dealing With Toxic People In Your Life  Dealing with toxic people is not always easy, but it’s one of those things you can get better at and usually once you do the big cleanse in your network and restore healthy boundaries, they often tend to stay away so you must know  when you being in a relationship with a negative people that sure increases  risk of having heart disease, diabetes, and metabolism issues So In this article, we will show you effective ways to deal with a toxic people. Forgive, but never forget. You can’t undo the past and the hurt that they’ve caused you, but you can still work on moving forward and letting go. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean accepting their toxic behavior. Instead, it means not being controlled by it any longer. It means forging a path of your own and abandoning the old one you were walking on towards the dead end trap that the toxic person intended Realize that toxic people are often in pain Realizing that the anger,

Sweet Love Messages for Her to Make Her Smile

Sweet Love Messages for her to make her smile We Have carefully written these love messages for her to emphasize the importance of her presence in your life, and when you tell any woman how important they are to you, they tend to smile because it brings happiness and joy to them. It makes them feel important. And yes, they truly are very important in every life they touch. Stop thinking of me, I’m tingling. If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber. I’m really trying to fight the urge to make you the happiest woman in the world. Girl, you’ve been on my mind like an Ed Sheeran song. Just ruthless. I’m not a professional photographer, but i can picture us together. Do you know any good cardiologists, because my heart skips a beat every time I think of you. God created the world in six days, rested on the seventh, but it took him thousands of years to produce someone as perfect as you.. If kisses were ra

10 Secrets to stay young forever

10 Secrets to stay young forever 10 Secrets to stay young forever  believed to be mainly down to our genes, scientists now know that 75% of ageing is down to our lifestyles, with only 25% determined by genetics. This is good news, as it empowers us! It means that we have much more influence over the ageing process than previously thought. Lets have a look at the measures you can take to help yourself grow old more gracefully. Use mineral salt not regular table salt. Table salt draws water out of your cells, making them flabby and promoting wrinkles. The minerals in sea salt and mineral salt, on the other hand, help draw water into your skin cells, plumping them and erasing fine lines Lower your stress levels . Basic stress management can dial down cortisol levels and calm yourskin. Try deep breathing, yoga, adding numbers, whatever works. And makesure that you can get enough sleep each night so that you're waking up rested in the morning. ... A good gut diet is