11 Tricks to seduce a man quickly!

11 Tricks to seduce a man quickly!

11 Tricks to seduce a man quickly!
To seduce a man, you first have to seduce yourself.also to make a man in love is not an easy task. Because like women, men have a relationship with the self-esteem of each one of them. In love at first sight, shy lover, terrified lover of the idea of involvement, unfaithful lover ... There are as many lovers as lovers, hence the difficulty of seducing a man

1-Have confidence in yourself
Self-confidence is the key word in seduction. If you do not trust yourself you will not be attractive. Learn to love yourself as you are, learn to see the seductress in you to attract men you like.
2-Do not be too sure of yourself
Having confidence in yourself is important, but you must be reasonable and not be considered a pretentious woman. You must trust your qualities but do not brag about them. Stay modest so as not to scare off the men.
3-Benefits of Connecting with the Present Moment
To put the odds on your side to seduce this man you like you must enjoy the moment. Do not waste your time wondering if what you are doing is good, if you have not said something stupid ... enjoy the time you spend with this man you just like.
4-Be natural
If you simply enjoy the moment, you will be natural. And that's how you are most likely to seduce a man: being yourself, with your qualities and flaws, without being perfect but being honest with yourself and with the man you like .
5- Focus on your voice
Sometimes it is not important what we say but how we say it. Try to focus on your voice when talking to him. I am not saying you should speak like a porn star or tell him how handsome and hot he is every minute but changing your voice a little bit can make a huge difference.
6-look at him
Do not be afraid to play with the look of a man to show him the interest you have him. Simple little looks that crisscross at the beginning until the look plunging into each other's eyes. This is also how you will tell him that you like him.
7- Use Body Language
you can use your smile to seduce him also you can touch him but not too much
8-Forget your bad movements
If your little tics of speech or language can crack some, they may cause more than one to flee if they are too pronounced. So avoid spending your whole time twisting your hair, touching the corner of your eye or anything else.
9-Send him texts
Always begin your texting with a smile also you can be courageous and send him something like : “I can’t believe how out of control I feel sometimes when I think about you.”
I want to tell you things, but I’m not able to be fully exposed yet. When I’m comfortable, you will see a different person.
Do you like me with or without makeup? Natural or done up? Just curious.
10-Make eye contact.
When you make eye contact with a man, you are showing him you're curious and interested furtheremore A sizzling eye contact is one of biggest signs of romantic attraction. You never know, locking your eyes with a strange guy on the streets or in a shopping mall could be the beginning of a friendship that would blossom into wonderful love.
11- flirt with him
If you want to be more attractive to a man in your life, one of the fastest ways to do this is to flirt with him.so shows him that you're interested in him.or Invite Him Over.also you can Encourage Him to Pursue You or Tease Him Like a Close Friend .


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