10 Secrets to stay young forever

10 Secrets to stay young forever

10 Secrets to stay young forever

10 Secrets to stay young forever

 believed to be mainly down to our genes, scientists now know that 75% of ageing is down to our lifestyles, with only 25% determined by genetics. This is good news, as it empowers us! It means that we have much more influence over the ageing process than previously thought. Lets have a look at the measures you can take to help yourself grow old more gracefully.

Use mineral salt

not regular table salt.
Table salt draws water out of your cells, making them flabby and promoting wrinkles. The minerals in sea salt and mineral salt, on the other hand, help draw water into your skin cells, plumping them and erasing fine lines

Lower your stress levels.
Basic stress management can dial down cortisol levels and calm yourskin. Try deep breathing, yoga, adding numbers, whatever works. And makesure that you can get enough sleep each night so that you're waking up rested in the morning. ... A good gut diet is key for healthy skin (and a happy tummy, too)

Wash your body with a natural cleanser to keep your skin healthy.
A natural cleanser made with honey, olive oil, yogurt, and ground oats are all great ways to clean your body and improve the look of your skin. These cleansers can be applied 1-2 times a day to your face and body to remove dirt, oil, and dead skin naturally. They are a great option if you’d like to avoid using harsh chemicals or dyes on your skin, which can cause premature aging

 Consume more fat

The healthy kind, that is. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon, walnuts, and seeds) help stabilize your mood, maintain bone strength, and help prevent visible signs of aging by reducing inflammation in the body, explains Nicholas Perricone, MD, a leading anti-aging expert and author of 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health, and Longevity. "Omega-3s also boost the ability of the body's enzymes to pull fat out of storage — from your hips, say — and use it as energy," he says. "Omega-3s keep you healthy and your skin radiant."

Get enough sleep
The whole idea of beauty sleep is not a myth. Your body needs time to restore itself overnight and that includes your face, too. While you sleep, cells are busy repairing DNA damage from the day before, so snuggle down and give them a chance to get on with it .

Drink plenty of water

Particularly hard to do at this time of year when it is so much easier to reach for warming coffee, tea or hot toddies. It won't hydrate your skin directly, but it will improve the way your insides work and good gut health is soon reflected in glowing skin.

Cut sugar from your diet

The body doesn't need it and sugar, according to nutritionists and skin experts, exacerbates a process called glycation, which accelerates ageing in the skin.

Exercise regularly
Whether it's walking the dog, rock-climbing, or scuba-diving, anything that gets you moving will improve your circulation. That in turn will encourage bloodflow to the skin and help give it a healthy, youth-enhancing glow.

The rich antioxidant properties, together with the presence of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, have enabled honey to be used as a skin nurturing and nourishing ingredient through centuries. It eases inflammation and stimulates cellular regeneration, both of which are essential for a youthful skin. The humectant property of this sticky liquid helps in capturing and retaining the much essential skin hydration.

If you're more concerned with the external effects of stress, how's this: regular meditation might even makeyou look younger. Recent studies show that long-term practice changes your body on a cellular level that might actually slow down aging. ... They could be getting a much better result from meditating.

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