9 Signs your wife really cheat you

     9 Signs your wife really cheat you 

In Fact  cheated on or cheat on someone to secretly have sex with someone other than your husband, wife, or partner.You can also say that someone is unfaithful to their husband, wife, or partner. He discovered she'd been cheating on him

Sign 1  She's being secretive

She's no longer sharing her daily events with you, and in order to find out what she's doing, you'd have to hack into her BlackBerry because she's not volunteering any information regarding the goings-on in her life.

Sign 2 Gut Instinct:

The telltale sign of a cheating spouse? Having to ask that question in the first place.Your cheating husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you.Your intuition (gut feeling) tells you that something is not right.You find intimate apparel or other small gift-type items that are gifts for someone else and have not been given to you.

Sign 3 She places the focus on you

When you do ask her questions, she turns the tables on you. The former chatterbox's batteries have run out, and when you ask her how her night was, mum's the only word. It's now all about you, you, you, rather than "I did this" and "I went here last night."

Sign 4     Behavior That Is Not Their Usual Character:

  • When they break their established routine at work and home for no apparent or logical reason; erratic behavior.

  • When your mate becomes suddenly forgetful and you have to tell him/her everything several times; their thoughts are obviously elsewhere.

    When they appears distant, show a lack of interest, or develop an unexplained aloofness that wasn’t there before.

    When their behavior just doesn’t add up.
    When your wife sleeps with her purse by the bed, or your husband sneaks out of the house.

Sign 5  Birth Control:

When you find birth-control pills in the medicine cabinet, and you’ve had a vasectomy -OR-

When you find condoms in the car or in his pockets, and you are on the pill.

Sign 6  She showers you with pleasure

your girlfriend is always complimenting you, asking you to go out, giving you "I love you" cards for no reason whatsoever, and even offering to wash your car and watch the boxing match with you. While these gestures are more than sweet, it's this kind of overcompensating behavior that can make one suspicious. If she's bombarding you with niceties, it might be nice to know what's really going on.

Sign 7 Cell phone clues

When s/he buys a cell phone 
Things Are Just Different at Home:

and doesn’t let you know about it.

When your husband or wife suddenly deletes all messages from the voicemail where as they used to accumulate.
When they suddenly delete all caller IDs from the phone so you can’t see them.
When s/he sets up a separate cell phone account that is billed to the office.
When you aren’t allowed to ever look at or use their cell phone, and they go to great lenghts to make certain their cell is not answered by you.
When your spouse is secretive about their cell phone and it is on their person 24/7, and they are on it talking or texting that whole time.
When they receive bizarre text messages from friends you never realised knew–in other words having ‘pretend’ names in their phone that are really the OP

Sign 8  Things Are Just Different at Home:

When your spouse raises hypothetical questions such as, “Do you think it’s possible to love more than one person at a time?”

When they have a sudden desire to be helpful with the laundry (and they never have before) and it’s like they’re trying to find or hide something.
When he/she shows a sudden interest in a different type of music that they really disliked before.
When your spouse loses attention in the activities in the home and seems forgetful, distracted or like they don’t care.
When he/she has a definite change in attitude towards everyone in the home…including the children.
When you notice that your partner loses their ability and desire to show the children the attention they need or a lack of desire to do any fix-ups around the house, e.g., lawn care, painting, cleaning the garage, house repairs, etc. They might turn this around on you at the same time and accuse you of never doing anything or treating the child/children badly.
When they are always tired or demonstrate a noticeable lack of energy or interest in the relationship.
When they sleep on the sofa some of the night.
When you two don’t go to bed together, and they tell you not to wait up when you have always done so.
When your spouse suddenly asks about your schedule more often than usual–wanting to know where you’ll be and when.
When they talk to you they treat you abusively or with disdain, disrespect or excessive sarcasm. Or. . . they may begin to find fault in everything you do in an attempt to justify their affair.
When your spouse is exceedingly critical and sometimes mocking you.
When your spouse becomes “accusatory,” asking if you are being true to him/her, usually out of guilt.
When they begin to speak more and more harshly to you, or are more sarcastic. Sometimes this is just an attempt to justify their cheating…or to give them an excuse to storm out of the room/house.
When you notice that they are reluctant to kiss you or accept your affection and/or they criticize you for showing attention.
When your spouse ignores or criticizes your loving behavior and thoughtful ways. Example : “Why are you so luvy duvy? I’m just not like that.”

Sign 9 Lots and Lots of Changes:

When your spouse buys new, sexy underwear and you never see it.When they have a sudden preoccupation with their appearance.Her: When she gets spiffed up and dresses provocatively to “go grocery shopping” or to “get her hair done.” She may also show up with a sudden change of hair style. Him: When he showers, shaves (cologne, deodorant, etc.) and dresses up more than usual to “go out with his buddies” or to “go fishing.”When your spouse begin to make sudden and excessive purchases of clothes or an unexplained change in clothing style (for example, from business professional to steampunk).When they show a sudden interest in a different type of music that they always 

Other Signs 

When your spouse receives “mysterious” phone calls that don’t seem to make sense–and when you ask who called, they say, “No one”, “Wrong number”, or “Why do you care?”
When YOU get an increasing number of hang-ups or “wrong numbers” when you pick up the phone especially if the caller hangs up after hearing your voice and doesn’t speak. Generally when a person dials a “wrong” number, they will at least ask, “Is Fred there?” before hanging up.
When your phone bills show unexplained toll or long distance charges. Often you’ll find one phone number listed excessively.
When s/he Hurriedly picks up the phone to answer it before you do.
When they leave the room to talk on the phone.
When your spouse Whispers while on the phone.
When s/he deletes the information (name and phone number) from “caller ID”.
When they behave differently or end the telephone call abruptly when you enter the room…or appear to hang up quickly.
When your spouse tells you to get ahold of him or her at a different telephone number (they don’t want you calling while they’re with the OP).


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