How To Choose The Right Men For Your Life

  How To Choose The Right Men For Your Life 

Firstly we should speack about the definition of good men : In my vision idescribe good men is who are strong both physically and mentally furthermore with great feelings positive about the life in generally 

How to know this caracteristics ?

Well we will give this tips for you if you are really searching for the right men 

A man is Kind : i mean the good men does not play with a person's emotions and makes sure that his intentions 

A man is ResponsibleA good man is not only responsible but also takes responsibility for his actions. He can be trusted to live by his word and in times of his short comings, he does not simply brush it off.

A man is Confident; Never to be deterred, a good man follows the beat of his own drum. He knows that the path he is on will lead him to where he wants to go. He does not let the questions of others bombard his mind or make impressions on his heart.

A man Understands His Woman; The true test of a man comes in his daily interactions with the one he calls his own. He knows her deepest secret and delves into the dark parts of her heart. A man knows and understands that without fully understanding the woman he is with, that any relationship between the two will fail.

Now We Advice to make this Tips Also 

Be strategic.

Be smart about where you spend your time. If you are a volunteer type of person, that’s great. But you are not going to meet many new people if you devote one night a week to being a Big Sister, admirable though that may be. You’re better off giving a weekend to Habitat for Humanity, where there will be hammers and paintbrushes. When I was single, I once agreed to do some volunteer work for the League of Women Voters. A worthy cause. I met a couple of dozen women, aged 40-60. If they’d set me up with their sons, that might have paid off, but as it was, I spent many hours of my time with women my mother’s age. Get involved with causes that draw interest in large numbers from both sexes.

Be interesting.

If you like art, and you take the trouble to learn about it, and you go to a museum and stare at a painting you love, that is genuine. You never know who you will stand next to in front of that painting. If you don’t love art, are just on the make, and you pop into a gallery opening, you may attract someone, but you won’t have anything interesting to say. Pursue your own interests, and then pursue meeting people who share them

Be open.

A while back, the Frisky published The Four People I Fell in Love With Today. Amelia wrote that the best advice she’d ever received was to fall in love with four people every day. Before lunch one day, she fell for a coworker, Chicken Parm Dude, Matthew Fox and Barack Obama. I actually think celebrities should be off limits. You should have no problem finding four adorable guys to fall for right in your own life. OK, maybe you’re not going to marry Chicken Parm Dude, but there are many people with attractive qualities. Get used to looking for those. The point is, when you make an effort to communicate with others, sometimes you’ll find that there’s a spark. You’ll feel the vibe of chemistry. That kind of energy is a great starting point.

Go where the good guys are.

Wow, is this a compelling graphic, or what? If I were twenty-something and single, I’d hightail it to LA. I know that’s not realistic for most of you, but even if you are not prepared to relocate, there is a strategic way to go about meeting new men.


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