11 Smart Ways to Accelerate Your Career Growth

11 Smart Ways to Accelerate Your Career Growth

11 Smart Ways to Accelerate Your Career Growth

11 Smart Ways to Accelerate Your Career Growth

Career development is the lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future and people whose careers seem to grow the fastest follow similar patterns of behavior: they understand competition exists, they recognize the steps they need to succeed, and they understand who is responsible. They take charge of their career and accept full responsibility for their growth.

Set goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Goals big and small can be the stepping-stones to a happier life and the way we set them can make a difference to achieving them.
 People who are the most successful and satisfied in their careers have proactively determined what they want from work.

Manage Your Time.
Leaders and team members who think and act like owners are fully accountable for commitments, responsibilities, and relationships. They are responsible for achieving results, regardless of the obstacles or challenges that may get in their way.
So if you think like a business owner, not an employee. If you do this you will want to prioritize your work according to which activities best grow your business and profits. Figure out what those type of activities are. Get them done first and don’t worry about the smaller things that don’t have as big a payoff. When you can, delegate appropriately.

Make Your Boss Look Good. 
In general, your boss will love you if you do great work.even if you don’t like him or her. If your boss is a poor at his/her job, don’t spend your time trying to sabotage him/her. Just stay focused on doing great work. If your boss is really bad, his/her superiors will eventually figure it out. Stay above the fray and do your best to associate with positive top-producing colleagues.

 Take Smart Risks.
Because you don’t know the outcome, taking career risks is scary. You have to get over the fear factor though if you really want to carve out a life you love, not merely tolerate.

Work hard
Working hard is very important. You are not going to get anywhere without working extremely hard.
had work always gets results.  It has been said “Some people dream of success… while others wake up and work hard at it.”  Laziness doesn’t result in anything but wasted time and resources.
Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen. Conan O’Brien

 Surround yourself with successful people.
As the saying goes, “Who you spend time with is who you become.
Surround yourself with positive people. Hold them close. They will give you energy and help you create the success you want and deserve . It's always uncomfortable being around others that are much smarter than you, however it helps you to raise up to that level.  It challenges you and inspires you to grow

Be Positive and Enthusiastic
Enthusiastic IS someone who is very interested in something or excited by it and spends time doing it or learning about i
Showing enthusiasm can help you to stand out against applicants who may lack the same interest in the job.

Always Be Learning.
Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from poor judgment so you must Learn from your mentors, heroes, and enemies. And learn from your mistakes.

Don’t Gossip
people use gossip to hurt people, in order to feel good about themselves, and to feel like they have power over others.gossip  can destroy a person's self-confidence


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