Top 27 Tips To Change Your Life

Top 27 Tips To Change Your Life
Top 27 Tips To Change Your Life

How to change your life ? How to live the life of our dreams?
I think we deserve the best. But how to make it come to us? Here are 26 tips to change your life for better

1. Be sure you really want to make this change, that it's good for you that you want to do it and not for someone else. Changing for others never brings happiness.
2. Find and maintain the motivation to change. It's really important. Keep it nearby constantly by making a picture of visions, or by pasting pictures of things you want wherever you go, so stay focused each day.
3. See how you managed to change as you wanted. How do you feel ? Imagine you succeed whatever you want, act as if.
4. Write down your goals, and read them twice a day.
5. Plan, plan, plan. How did you plan to achieve your goals? What actions can you take to reach it?
6. Change your life starting with 1 to 2 changes at a time. For example, if you want to start meditating or exercising, start with 5 minutes a day for a week. Then increase the next week, the important thing here is to create a habit.
7. Do actions every day. When we want to change, we need to set up new processes, repetition makes it easy to create a new process.
8. Be aware of the bad habits you want to change. And start changing them, one by one.
9. Change your thoughts. What do you think of change? I had a hard time doing sports every day because I thought I hated it. Changing my thoughts to "I like to play sports, and I feel better and better through sport" really made a difference.
10. Be prepared to do some work on yourself. Sometimes we have to go beyond our beliefs and mental barriers to move forward. Be prepared to dig under the surface if necessary.
11. Be ready to step out of your comfort zone. To be successful often means going out of one's comfort zone to create a richer reality.
12. Frequent people who have achieved the goal you are setting and copy them.
13. Rethink your past successes, and apply the strategies you had applied again. We often forget that we have already had success and that we can start again and again.
14. Rethink your "failures", in any temporary defeat, there are the seeds of future success, think back and learn from them.
15. Be an adventurer. Try new things even if you think it will not work. Sometimes you will be amazed at the results you will get.
16. Associate good feelings and good thoughts with your new habits, then associate negative feelings and thoughts with your old habits. For example, if you play sports, keep in mind how good and confident you feel in your body and how before you feel helpless and bad in your body.
17. See the failure differently. Failure is simply a step towards success, do not be afraid, welcome it.
18. Remove the remains of your old habits. For example if you start a new diet, immediately throw away all the fatty food or give it away.
19. Make your choices easier. If you want to lose weight, make sure you have only healthy food at home, if you want to get a better picture, keep a wardrobe that represents this image, do not apologize beforehand to fail.
20. Choose your surroundings. Surround yourself with people who will support you during your change, or who have the same goal as you.
21. Write down your progress. Several studies have shown that all those who regularly note their progress have better results than others. It's a boring exercise but so effective.
22. Take responsibility. You are the only one responsible for everything that happens in your life, whether it's good things or bad things, stop blaming others, take control of your life.
23. Minimize the influence of saboteurs. It's about your loved ones and not so close. You probably do not realize the negative impact that their words can have. Let them know that you want their support, not their doubts.
24. Enjoy the trip. It's your life. It will not start when you reach your goal, it starts right away, so enjoy it now.
25. Be kind and tolerant to yourself, be your first fan, be proud of yourself.
26. Broaden your horizon , Do not settle for your area of ​​expertise, open your horizon, be curious.
27. Finally: ACT! If you continue to do the same things, you will continue to achieve the same results, so take action and change your life now!


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