8 Tactics for Dealing With Toxic People In Your Life

8 Tactics for Dealing With Toxic People In Your Life

8 Tactics for Dealing With Toxic People In Your Life

 Dealing with toxic people is not always easy, but it’s one of those things you can get better at and usually once you do the big cleanse in your network and restore healthy boundaries, they often tend to stay away so you must know  when you being in a relationship with a negative people that sure increases  risk of having heart disease, diabetes, and metabolism issues
So In this article, we will show you effective ways to deal with a toxic people.

Forgive, but never forget.

You can’t undo the past and the hurt that they’ve caused you, but you can still work on moving forward and letting go. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean accepting their toxic behavior. Instead, it means not being controlled by it any longer. It means forging a path of your own and abandoning the old one you were walking on towards the dead end trap that the toxic person intended

Realize that toxic people are often in pain

Realizing that the anger, fear, drama and frustrations often demonstrated by toxic people can all come from a source of legitimate pain, helps us to have a different perspective about the individual and their behavior.
It doesn’t me we can “fix” them or even that we should attempt to do so.
And, our having a better understanding of the source of their negative behavior may not change their actions, but it can change our responses and actions in dealing with them.
That may be all that is required to change the dynamics of the interactions we have with one another and make them better.


The best way to deal with toxic people is by distancing yourself from them and  the best thing you can do is to limit the time you spend with them as much as is practical.

Be empowered by your motives.

Sometimes toxic people will trap you like a hunted thing – you know you don’t have to give in to them but you also know that there will be consequences if you don’t. The secret is to make your decision from a position of power, rather than feeling controlled. In the same way there is something they want from you, there will always be something you want from them (even if it is to avoid more of their toxicity).Decide that you’re doing what you’re doing to control them and their behaviour – not because you’re a victim of their manipulation.Personal power is everything to do with what you believe and nothing to do with what they think.


It’s not your fault these people behave the way they do, and it’s only natural that when we are attacked by someone, we can get upset and react defensively or aggressively. However, with toxic people, that’s counterproductive, as it encourages them to keep provoking us. They can only offend us if we let them get under our skin. We can often neutralize their effect on us by not allowing ourselves to be provoked. Remember: they are the ones with a problem, not us. We won’t achieve anything by feeding back into their toxicity.


If you cannot distance this person from your life completely, and you feel like there’s nothing more you can do to help them or encourage them to change, try to minimize the time you spend with them.


Think about what you’re going to do to move the situation forward, and then try to let it go. Train yourself to think about solutions, not problems. You won’t do yourself any favors by dwelling. Plan your response, and then move on.


When you’re down, doesn’t it feel wonderful to have someone just come give you a big hug for no other reason?  Well, that’s the way most people feel. Its okay and healthy to give hugs or at the least send positive thoughts, and healing, well wishes their way. Holding on to anger, resentment or hatred will only affect you and keep you from living your happiest life.
If you can’t bear to communicate with them, then try to communicate with your higher source to send blessings their way.   Remember that when someone is living a toxic, negative lifestyle, they need your positive energy the most.

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