9 warning signs you’re dealing with an evil person

9 warning signs you’re dealing with an evil person
9 warning signs you’re dealing with an evil person

an evil person is someone who engages in malevolent behaviors , Evil people come from all sorts of places, often ones you wouldn't expect. We find them at our schools, at our churches and places of worship, in the homes of our friends; everywhere we look.

Of course there are ways that you can tell if the person you are dating is evil.

The ways is :

1-misleading people

If they find it suitable, they will use some truth to twist it in such a misleading way that you will feel afraid, vulnerable, attacked, hated, or incompetent. They know how to pick the right words to evoke any emotion they intend to create in you.

In the end, you will start believing in the information the way they presented it. They can create enemies in your mind using simple words; they can make you feel like you are doing everything wrong – words are their weapon, and they know how to handle it nicely.

2- Manipulating

They are masters of manipulation. They know how to plan ten steps ahead and they always know the purpose of their manipulation.

If they want to, they will make you feel stupid, they will make you do the things they are not competent at doing, and they know how to take all the credit afterward, leaving you feeling that you were not competent enough to do what you did (although you already did it well)

3-  They do not want you to be better than them in any way, 
so do not expect to be good when they are around to ruin that expectation.

They exactly know when to show up and mess up your plans. In the end, they will even put on a concerned face and watch you lose your mind as things start spiraling down. Time is a very important asset, and they are well aware of it.

4- They are just-weather friends

these people are just-weather friends who are not familiar with the meaning of a real and loyal friendship. They are here when things are going well and when a situation goes wrong, they disappear.

5- They leave you with a weird feeling whenever you are around them.

If you feel drained and tired after being around someone who is actually evil, you get that weird feeling in your stomach when you are around them, and something about them just doesn’t sit right with you – you might be onto something.

6- They are liars

They are compulsive liars and simply cannot speak the truth as it will crack their mask of deceit. They will keep lying to cover up for their lies.

 7- They will often hide information

They will have to make others blindly believe them and to do this they hide information. They will protect their mask by tricking people.

8- They live a double life

They lead a double life by wearing masks to fit their role. If you are beneficial to their being, they will treat you differently and if you are not, they will not bother about you. Their personality too is molded by their desires.

9- They Will Control What You Do

These people are so inconsiderate that they want complete control over any situation, making sure that every little part of a social event or any activity can be used to their advantage. These kinds of people are inherently toxic and cumbersome to deal with.

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