7 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence

In fact to be self-confident is to be secure in yourself and your abilities. When you are giving a presentation or a speech, it helps to be self-confident–- or at least to pretend that you are , Also Confidence is a feeling of trust in someone or something. To be self-confident is to have confidence in yourself.

 7 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence :

1- think positive
A positive attitude is at the heart of optimistic and successful people. Successful and confident people have positive attitudes. Self-confidence is based on a belief that one's efforts and abilities will allow one to reach a goal. Successful and confident people have positive self-images

2- Act positive
In fact  Action, actually, is the key to developing self-confidence. It’s one thing to learn to think positive so  take action instead of telling yourself you can’t, be positive. Talk to people in a positive way, put energy into your actions. You’ll soon start to notice a difference

3- Be kind
Kindness can help you to improve yourself-esteem, and that includes being kind to others as well as yourself. ...Be kind to others as well as yourselfand improve self esteem. Note that kindness is not the same as people pleasing, or being "too nice.

4-  Increase competence
Self-esteem grows when you increasethe extent to which you believe yourself to be a competent and capable person, able to achieve the things that you set your mind on doing. It therefore follows that as youincrease your competence in various areas, your self esteem is boosted.

5- Speak slowly
A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly. It shows confidence. A person who feels that he isn’t worth listening to will speak quickly, because he doesn’t want to keep others waiting on something not worthy of listening so
Speaking more slowly allows you to think more efficiently and with purpose also Speaking more slowly allows you to sound more professional and eloquent

6- Raise your curiosity levels.
Enter with a Clear Mind also Don't assume you know how everything works furthermore Ask Questions and also you should Become Familiar with Encountering the Unfamiliar. And Diversify Your interests and try to Let Yourself be Amazed at Everyday Things.

7- Face your fears
 Don't dwell on failures. Draw from the things you've done right. Rehearse a positive outcome. Do not procrastinate. To think confidently, act confidently. Think like the other person. Maintain a positive mental attitude. Get off your “but”. Visualize success.

Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.- Theodore Roosevelt

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