
Showing posts from 2015

Benefits of Adrenalin

                             Benefits of Adrenalin  Firstly we must know that adrenalin is  a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of  stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles  for exertion. Some impotant benefits of adrenalin Improve your breathe for the better :  Adrenalin causes the smooth muscles like the bronchioles in  your lungs to relax  at a resting rate, which allow you to breathe easier and deeper. It also has the same affect on the arteries and veins in your circulatory system, which result in lower blood pressure in the short term and helping prevent clogged arteries in the long term. That’s right, regular exercise triggers reactions in your body that prevent heart disease. Protect your life :   adrenalin can prevent death from severe allergic reaction AND it is    used an an aid for performing CPR . It’s effect on blood vessels and the stimulated response

Did you know that sex can make you look younger and even hotter

Did you know that sex can make you look younger and even hotter  In fact s ex puts a sparkle in your eye and a glow in your cheeks, what's more it even counts as exercise. Find out how sex can be good for your health It's good for you to have good sex," says David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, whose study on the effects of sex on aging appears in his book,  Secrets of the Superyoung . Over the last 10 years, Weeks and his colleagues interviewed 3,500 European and American men and women on a variety of lifestyle topics. Participants ranged in age from 20 to 104, but most were 45 to 55 years old. The young-looking participants had sex an average of three times a week, Weeks says. By comparison, a group of men and women in the same age bracket and from similar neighborhoods reported having sex an average of twice a week, he says. More frequent sex -- more than three times a week -- didn't seem to produce any add

The Amazing Resultats if you eat Avocado Every day

 The Amazing Resultats if you eat Avocado Every day  The  avocado   ( Persea americana ) is a  tree  native to  Mexico  and  Central America , [2]  classified in the  flowering plant  family Lauraceae  along with  cinnamon ,  camphor  and  bay laurel .  Avocado  or  alligator pear  also refers to the  fruit ,  botanically  a large  berry  that contains a single seed. Also   Avocado is Rich   Alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid)  and oleic acid  are key fats provided by  avocado .  Avocados  are a  good  source of pantothenic  acid,  Acid dietary fiber, vitamin K, copper, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin E, and vitam .  Reduces Risk of Certain Cancers Avocados possess a mix of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, which makes them able to combat certain cancers, including mouth, skin, and prostate. A 2007  study published in the journal  Seminars in Cancer Biology  found the phytochemicals in avocados can selecti

9 Signs your wife really cheat you

     9 Signs your wife really cheat you  In Fact  cheated on or cheat on someone  to secretly have sex with someone other than your husband, wife, or partner.You can also say that someone is unfaithful to their husband, wife, or partner. He discovered she'd been cheating on him Sign 1    She's being secretive She's no longer sharing her daily events with you, and in order to find out what she's doing, you'd have to hack into her BlackBerry because she's not volunteering any information regarding the goings-on in her life. Sign 2   Gut Instinct: The telltale sign of a cheating spouse? Having to ask that question in the first place. Your cheating husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you. Your intuition (gut feeling) tells you that something is not right. You find intimate apparel or other small gift-type items that are gifts for someone else and have not been given to you. Sign 3 She places the foc

how to unlock iphone 4

                          how to unlock iphone 4 1--Power down the phone. Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and move your finger across. 2-- Use the SIM card tool (or a straightened paper clip) to eject the SIM card holder from the side of the phone. 3-- Remove the old SIM card from the SIM card holder. ... 4--- Reinsert the SIM card holder into the iPhone

10 Ways to feel happier

                10 Ways to feel happier  Have an attitude of gratitude. Make some good friends   Get busy Try to make Yoga once in week or more  Go easy on yourself. Do not jealous the others just focus in your life and try to develop it   Have meaningful conversations. Practice self-care on a daily basis. Spread joy Save money

The Reasons Why you love Her

    The Reasons Why you Love here  If any girl ask the men about the reasons about why he love her ,the men must have the answer to reply a her love good answer but not cheat answer cause the most of the girlls of nowdays are smart and can know if you are lie or not furthermore you must be a trust men with your self and her too so your feelings should be trust if you make drama you will get also drama from here  Now after this introduction we will give you the reasons if she ask you why you love me ? Say to her :  1-you are the most beautiful thing i have ever laid eys on 2-there are not enough words to explaine how much or why i love you 3-me and you are puzzle  that fits purfet together that is why i love you  4-cause when you smile i feel that i have angel in my life 5-cause my heart feel some things stranger for the first time in my life  6-cause  you are created for me only and my deep feelings tell me that  6-cause you are  my oxegene and this world

How To Choose The Right Men For Your Life

  How To Choose The Right Men For Your Life  Firstly we should speack about the definition of good men : In my vision idescribe good men is who are strong both physically and mentally furthermore with great feelings positive about the life in generally  How to know this caracteristics ? Well we will give this tips for you if you are really searching for the right men  A man is Kind : i mean the good men  does not play with a person's emotions and makes sure that his intentions   A man is Responsible ;  A good man is not only responsible but also takes responsibility for his actions. He can be trusted to live by his word and in times of his short comings, he does not simply brush it off. A man is Confident;  Never to be deterred, a good man follows the beat of his own drum. He knows that the path he is on will lead him to where he wants to go. He does not let the questions of others bombard his mind or make impressions on his heart. A man Under

5 Reasons why your Haters Hate You

          5 Reasons why your Haters Hate You  Firstly we should know that Term Hater is very wide to explain .Nowdays many people suffer from haters furthermore some people do not know the reasons about the source of haters which make some people hate what they have .  Haters  :   a person who greatly dislikes a specified person or thing. Haters (internet) :  is a derogatory term which refers to a person or group who expresses hatred in public forums, especially those found on the World Wide Web such as YouTube and Facebook.  Haters  are distinguished from trolls who seek to attract attention by making provocative comments. The Reason why some people hate you :  1- Because they think  you don’t deserve it 2- People Hate others when they find themselves helpless 3- Because their heads is empty they haven't  successful in their lifes 4-Because their life just ain’t as great and exciting as yours 5- Because they afraids that you will better than

5 worst things to stop doing to your self

                  5 worst things to stop doing to your self  Be Far away from your wrong people  bad people or worong people only waste your time and your energy so why you are spend your times with that type of people maybe you are not know the dangers of to stay with them . i will tips to avoid those cause they are only  suck the happiness out of you . Stop comparing yourself with others  O ne of the easiest ways to feel bad about oneself is to compare yourself unfavorably to others. We may be tempted to compare ourselves with those who have more accomplishments, seem more attractive, make more money, or boast more Facebook friends. Be copy original of your self and stop to try to be like others people and real people will love real of you Stop to be in prison of the past  Start new white page Because You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one. Do not be ashamed to make a mistake 

This is why Hamam Morocco is good For Your Body

  This is why Hamam Morocco is good For Your Body  BENEFITS OF THE MOROCCAN BATH MOROCCAN RINSE Reduces body temperature, helps stimulate the thyroid and maintain a healthy heart rate. MOROCCAN BATH Promotes pain relief, aids in the elimination of toxins and helps replenish the body with essential minerals MOROCCAN EXFOLIATION Increases circulation, help stimulate the lymphatic system and unclogs pores while feeding the skin with beneficial nutrients. MOROCCAN STEAM ROOM In depth detoxification by eliminating toxins and pollyting agent through perspiration. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is sometimes referred to as the ‘third kidney’. It is not only a regulator fluid balance and body temperature but is also the passageway for excreting toxins, thus allowing for the absorption of moisture and nutrients. Chemicals make their way into our bodies and bloodstream through pollution, food additives, pesticide residues and a wide range of