multiple-choice grammar quiz with answers

 multiple-choice grammar quiz with answers:

Which sentence is grammatically correct?

a) Me and my friend went to the store.

b) My friend and I went to the store.

c) My friend and me went to the store.

Answer: b) My friend and I went to the store.

Which sentence is in the past tense?

a) I am walking to the store.

b) I will walk to the store.

c) I walked to the store.

Answer: c) I walked to the store.

Which sentence is an example of the passive voice?

a) John wrote a book.

b) The book was written by John.

c) John is writing a book.

Answer: b) The book was written by John.

Which sentence contains a verb in the present participle form?

a) I will eat breakfast in the morning.

b) I am eating breakfast right now.

c) I ate breakfast earlier.

Answer: b) I am eating breakfast right now.

Which sentence contains a dangling modifier?

a) While walking to the store, the rain started to fall.

b) The rain started to fall while walking to the store.

c) Walking to the store, the rain started to fall.

Answer: c) Walking to the store, the rain started to fall.


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