Top 7 Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Top 7 Benefits of Sleeping Naked Sleeping is one of the most important things we do every night so removing your clothes improves blood circulation, which is good for your heart and muscles. The quality sleep you'll enjoy also increases the release of growth hormone and melatonin, both of which have anti-aging benefits Top 7 Benefits of Sleeping Naked 1- fall a sleep faster reducing our body temperature by as little as one degree Celsius can help us fall asleep quicker and When your temperature is increasing you’ll feel more alert and awake, but when the temperature drops you feel more drowsy 2- It makes you feel sexier This isn't something scientists have studied as far as we know. But anecdotally speaking, many women say that sleeping in the nude makes them feel more sensual and in touch with their body. Cuddling with your partner skin-on-skin with nothing between you can reinforce your connection. Plus, it's just that much easier to have a sexual en...