7 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence
In fact to be self-confident is to be secure in yourself and your abilities. When you are giving a presentation or a speech, it helps to be self-confident–- or at least to pretend that you are , Also Confidence is a feeling of trust in someone or something. To be self-confident is to have confidence in yourself. 7 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence : 1- think positive A positive attitude is at the heart of optimistic and successful people. Successful and confident people have positive attitudes. Self-confidence is based on a belief that one's efforts and abilities will allow one to reach a goal. Successful and confident people have positive self-images 2- Act positive In fact Action, actually, is the key to developing self-confidence. It’s one thing to learn to think positive so take action instead of telling yourself you can’t, be positive. Talk to people in a positive way, put energy into...