3 Signs it's time to Move Out of your Parents 'House

          3 Signs it's time to Move Out of your Parents 'House 

After 18

You want to be more independence,  you're tired your parents take your head, or your parents are tired you prennes their head, you live a difficult situation that you can not manage within your family (violence, pregnancy, etc.), your parents decided to put you out, do you think you'll be happier (is) if you no longer live with your family permanently close its ... parents is not always easy, you'll have to find a small job, proportional to your income housing and possibly continue your education.

After 25 

if you’re over 25 years old and still sleeping in a twin size bed wondering what you’re doing with your life, here are some signs it’s time to raise up out of your parents’ house and find your own spot.

1- Now go do yours Because Your Parents Did Their Jobs 

After a certain point, living with your parents turns you into a perma-child who behaves more like a flighty, carefree high school student than an independent adult with plans and goals. Your parents cook your meals and do your laundry, while you spend your money on dining out, cars and endless spring breaks. While this may sound good, you need an exit strategy to relieve parents of the burden of caring and paying for adults who can and should move out -- and move on to become productive members of society instead of letting college degrees gather dust.

2-Your Younger Sister Doesn’t Even Live at Home 

Your younger siblings will make fun of you if you’re still at home when they leave the nest. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

3- No Room For Your Stuff

Not only is it difficult to find space for you and your friends to hang out, you may not also have room for your personal things, especially if you’re sharing a room with someone. After 4 years of college, I managed to accumulate things and none of it fit into my mom’s house when I moved back home. Adults tend to buy things – electronics, clothes, shoes…stuff, and it may not fit into your room or parents’ basement. They also may not want you to clutter their home with your things and use it for storage so you’re limited to buying what fits in the confines of the four walls of your bedroom. If you find yourself longing for a new bedroom set, or a huge flat screen TV, then you should find your own apartment to put it in.


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