
Showing posts from 2016

best couples in the world 2016


Smiling of evil from the fastest man in the world Usain Bolt

It will probably remain one of the strongest images of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. After a somewhat difficult start, Usain Bolt became the third time Olympic 100m champion in the night from Sunday to Monday. A unique performance that is definitely enter the Jamaican in the history of his sport. Hours earlier, the king of sprint had qualified for the 100m final while relaxation. At the time of take over his opponents, the king Usain still found time to deliver the objectives over the world his best smile.

3 signs western people in hard Compete withThe people of developing countries

3 signs western people in hard Compete withThe people of developing countries We are living today a transformation in the various economic, social, political and legal fields as a result of revolutions  of the world economy, particularly information and communications technology which has become a component of the information revolution .  Why the Western countries  is became afraid of the development of developing countries Well the systems od development countries toady is better and education and the health in many devlopment countries is improve now Compared to the past  . 3 signs make western people in hard compete : Millions of young people of the Third World have obtained a higher education degrees and became leaders in companies of Western countries and that make young of Western countries find competition for the senior positions in their own countries .  The youth OF third world of the world has become more creative and productive, especia

when someone tries to put you down

When someone tries to put you down  Firstlyin the life you will meet two kinds of people the ones who build you and the  ones who tear you down .  we should  excluded those who criticize others for constructive purposes  cause they speack trustly . but some people or friends only trying put others down  because they are faillure and they live without confidence and they envy to see  others  in road of successful . How to know that someone try to put you down :   When someone make a negative comments towards you that is the  important signs that you must notice from them . Also when you are speack with more than 2 persson and one of them don't  let you talk or he cut your speacking with others often this is Mark of  jealous or sign of someone who try to put you down .  Furthermore the reason  why those  people feel  worthless  because  they  failed to  achieve your same level of success,  Your reactions

The causes of faillure in life

              The causes of faillure in life  Everyone wants to achieve success in his life, but success is not an easy task and it requires a lot of dedication and hard work, many times when people fail in their lives, they wounder  what they did from the mistakes caused them this failure? And why they fail while others succeed . 1 - energy weak :  The person who has a lot of energy to be able to focus on working more efficiently than the weak physically and mentally, a healthy diet and exercise daily, all of the above will make you more productive and energy and contribute to make you a successful person is able to tender 2  - Stress and tension: Stress and tension  is also a major cause of the failure, everyone has problems, one of the main causes of stress but the important thing is the extent of the person's ability to deal with, any person in this world has a lot of tension, but what matters is how to deal with it, they people who Successful

How to make a girl love you

                        How to make a girl love you If you feel you that you care  about your girl and you liked it reached its extent has already loved her and in someone else take your girl  from you, this does not mean that you are less than this personr or that he is better than you or it more attractive than you, or they did not like the character of you  do not  or any another reason, but the reason is the way you try to win her heart,which you  tried to reach  her heart were not successful so I 'll guide you through that method  on how to get to a woman's heart  1 - Be yourself : Do not try to imitate others and to be other personalwhen hide your real  your personality, but be you and make love as you are without falsity or manufactured 2-  Do not try to imitate someone else  Must be kept on your real personality and do not try to imitate overshadowed by personal of someone else because you will not be able to continue in this path all the time a

5 Body Signs Showing That Someone Is Lying To You

 5 Body Signs Showing That Someone Is Lying To You D efintion of lie : in fact the is   to make a false statement with the intention to deceive”  but there are numerous problems with this definition. It is both too narrow, since it requires falsity, and too broad, since it allows for lying about something other than what is being stated, and lying to someone who is believed to be listening in but who is not being addressed. Furthermore if we want to  Learning how to tell if someone is lying is difficult, but learning how to lie convincing is more difficult. Lying is never a clear case - there are certainly powerful indicators but no 100% methods - which is why there are no true lie detectors usable in a court of law. But with a bit of practise, you can easily become the next best thing. Signs of body that someone lie or trying lie to you  1 -  Hands touching their face, throat & mouth. Touching or scratching the nose or behind their ear. Not likely to touch hi

3 Signs it's time to Move Out of your Parents 'House

          3 Signs it's time to Move Out of your Parents 'House  After 18 You want to be more independence,  you're tired your parents take your head, or your parents are tired you prennes their head, you live a difficult situation that you can not manage within your family (violence, pregnancy, etc.), your parents decided to put you out, do you think you'll be happier (is) if you no longer live with your family permanently close its ... parents is not always easy, you'll have to find a small job, proportional to your income housing and possibly continue your education. After 25  if you’re over 25 years old and still sleeping in a twin size bed wondering what you’re doing with your life, here are some signs it’s time to raise up out of your parents’ house and find your own spot. 1- Now go do yours  Because Your Parents Did Their Jobs  After a certain point, living with your parents turns you into a perma-child who behaves more like a flig

Tips to Increase Audacity Boldness in your Life

                     Tips to Increase Audacity Boldness in your Life  What is the meaning of Audacity  Audacity :   courage or ​confidence of a ​kind that other ​people ​find ​shocking or ​rude: It took a lot of audacity to ​stand up and ​criticize the ​chairman. disapproving He had the audacity to ​blame me for his ​mistake! Tips to be a persson with a quality of audacity : To say No when you are not agreed with others  to tell your friend you are silly  to tell your teacher you are not good today when you you was explain turtorial  to tell others they don't have enough faith. Really ? Ugh. You're right about the man born blind -- not due to any . to speack in channel tv and make a  bad opinon about your prisedent  to actually laugh at someone whos over Weight AT THE GYM, disgusts me, laugh at yourself for being so ignorant. when  someone spitte near to you and you are reply  a spitte also to